FuRay Planet is an imaginary planet full of anthropomorphic characters. Set in a modern world with different countries and cultures, this series features various colorful characters, each has its own story and role to play. These action figures feature mature design, delicate paint job and great playability. Each figure also comes with a comic book to tell the background story.
The 3rd character is "Blade Master Weng", a Kungfu master from the East, with twin blades as the weapon. This is the "Old Man Out of the Mountain" version with Weng dressed in full armor.
Materials: PVC, POM
Height: 22cm
Weight: around 800g
- Blade Master Weng figure
- 3 Head sculptures
- Roaring
- Callous
- Vicissitudes
- 8 Hand parts
- Large knife
- Guandao
- Fur collar